What can you control and influence?

How much control and influence do you have?

A common theme in coaching conversations I have with clients is around the challenges and frustrations they face, and it helps for the client to identify and focus on what is actually within their control or ability to influence.
If something is beyond your control and influence what does it serve to give time to worrying about it?

A useful exercise to help bring a sense of perspective to the challenges and frustrations you face is the following:

  1. Take a pad of post it notes and write out on each post it note something that is frustrating you or you are finding challenging. Writing each one out will bring a greater sense of clarity to what is going round your head.
  2. Separate all these frustrations into 3 piles: things you can control, factors you can influence and items over which you have no control or influence.
  3. Those that fall into the last category should be screwed up and put in the bin. There is no point in you expending time and energy on them.
  4. You can then spend your time productively focussed on the items you can control or influence.

Such exercises can help bring perspective, increase focus and build your resilience.

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